
Exploring the Benefits and Limitations of Allergy Shots

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 Exploring the Benefits and Limitations of Allergy Shots

Allergies can be a daily struggle, affecting millions of people worldwide. While over-the-counter medications provide temporary relief, allergy shots, also known as immunotherapy, have gained popularity as a long-term solution. 

However, like any medical treatment, allergy shots have their own set of benefits and limitations. Mission Viejo allergist Dr. Tyler Basen explores the various types of allergy shots, the science behind their effectiveness and discusses both the advantages and potential drawbacks of this treatment method.

Understanding Allergy Shots

Allergy shots, also called immunotherapy, involve administering small doses of allergens to the patient over a period of time. The goal is to gradually desensitize the immune system and reduce allergic reactions. The shots contain extracts of allergens such as pollen, dust mites, pet dander or insect venom. The treatment typically consists of two phases: the build up phase and the maintenance phase.

During the build up phase, the dosage of allergens is gradually increased, usually over a span of several months. This allows the immune system to adapt and become less reactive to the specific allergens. Once the maintenance dose is reached, the frequency of the shots is reduced  and patients receive them less frequently, typically every few weeks or months.

Different Types of Allergy Shots

There are different types of allergy shots available depending on the specific allergens causing the patient’s symptoms. The most common types include:

Subcutaneous Immunotherapy (SCIT) 

This is the traditional form of allergy shots, where the allergen extract is injected under the skin. SCIT is highly effective for treating allergic rhinitis, allergic asthma and insect sting allergies.

Sublingual Immunotherapy (SLIT) 

In SLIT, the allergen extract is administered in the form of tablets or drops that are placed under the tongue. This type of allergy shot is particularly effective for treating allergic rhinitis caused by pollen, dust mites or pet dander.

Oral Immunotherapy (OIT) 

OIT involves ingesting small amounts of the allergen extract, usually in the form of a powder or liquid. This method is commonly used for food allergies, such as peanut or milk allergies, and has shown promising results in desensitizing the immune system to specific food allergens.

Benefits of Allergy Shots

Long-term Symptom Relief

One of the primary benefits of allergy shots is their ability to provide long-term symptom relief. Unlike over-the-counter medications that offer temporary relief, allergy shots aim to modify the immune system’s response to allergens, leading to a significant reduction in allergy symptoms.

Reduced Dependence on Medications

Allergy shots can help reduce the dependence on daily medications, such as antihistamines or nasal sprays. For individuals with severe allergies this can be a life-changing benefit, allowing them to enjoy a better quality of life without relying on medications for symptom management.

Prevention of Allergic Asthma

Allergy shots have shown efficacy in preventing the development of allergic asthma in individuals with allergic rhinitis. By addressing the root cause of allergies and reducing the inflammatory response in the airways, allergy shots can potentially prevent the progression of allergic rhinitis to more severe respiratory conditions.

Limitations and Considerations

Time and Commitment

Allergy shots require a significant time commitment, especially during the build up phase, which may involve weekly or bi-weekly visits to the allergist. This can be challenging for individuals with busy schedules or those living in remote areas where access to allergy clinics may be limited.

Treatment Duration

Allergy shots are not a quick fix and require long-term commitment. The build up phase typically lasts several months, followed by a maintenance phase that can extend from three to five years. It is essential for patients to understand and commit to the treatment duration to truly achieve optimal results.

Potential Side Effects

Like any medical treatment, allergy shots carry a risk of side effects. Common side effects include redness and swelling at the injection site, itching and mild allergic reactions. Although severe reactions are rare, it is crucial to be aware of the potential risks and discuss them with your allergist.

Effectiveness and Success Rates

The effectiveness of allergy shots varies depending on factors such as the specific allergens, the severity of the allergies and the individual’s immune response. According to the American Academy of Allergy, Asthma & Immunology (AAAAI), allergy shots can reduce symptoms in approximately 85% of patients. The success rates are particularly high for allergic rhinitis and insect venom allergies.

However, it is important to note that allergy shots may not be effective for everyone. Some individuals may not experience significant symptom improvement, while others may require additional treatments or combination therapies to achieve optimal results. It is essential to have realistic expectations and consult with an allergist to determine if allergy shots are the right choice for you.

Who Can Benefit from Allergy Shots?

Allergy shots are typically recommended for individuals who:

  1. Have moderate to severe allergic rhinitis or allergic asthma that significantly affects their quality of life.
  2. Experience symptoms throughout the year or during specific seasons.
  3. Do not obtain adequate relief from over-the-counter medications.
  4. Are unable to avoid allergens due to occupational or environmental exposure.
  5. Have insect sting allergies or other allergies that can cause severe reactions.

Integrating Allergy Shots with Other Treatments

Allergy shots can be used in conjunction with other allergy treatments to enhance their effectiveness. For instance, allergen avoidance measures, such as using dust mite covers or pet dander control, can complement the effects of allergy shots. Additionally, medications like antihistamines or nasal sprays may still be needed during the early stages of immunotherapy to manage symptoms.

It is crucial to work closely with an allergist to develop a comprehensive treatment plan that incorporates allergy shots and other therapies tailored to your specific needs. Regular follow-up visits and open communication will ensure that your treatment is optimized and any adjustments can be made as necessary.

The Future of Allergy Shots

Advancements in medical research continue to expand our understanding of allergy shots and offer hope for the future. Researchers are exploring new approaches, such as the use of modified allergens or adjuvants, to enhance the effectiveness of immunotherapy. These innovations aim to improve treatment outcomes and reduce the duration of therapy, making allergy shots more accessible and convenient for patients.

Making an Informed Decision

Before embarking on allergy shots, it is vital to have a thorough discussion with an allergist who can assess your specific allergies, medical history and treatment goals. They will help determine if allergy shots are the right choice for you and guide you through the treatment process, including potential risks and benefits.

Remember, allergy shots are not a magical cure, but for many individuals, they offer a life-changing opportunity to find lasting relief from the burdensome symptoms of allergies. Armed with the knowledge of the benefits and limitations of allergy shots, you can make an informed decision and take control of your allergic reactions.


In conclusion, allergy shots have demonstrated their effectiveness in reducing allergy symptoms and providing long-term relief for many individuals. While they require commitment and may not be suitable for everyone, the potential benefits outweigh the limitations for those who seek a lasting solution to their allergies. Consultation with an allergist is crucial to determine the most suitable treatment approach and develop a personalized plan for managing your allergies effectively.

If you have more questions regarding allergy shots, please do not hesitate to contact us. Pacific Allergy & Asthma would be more than happy to assist and answer any questions. 

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Dr. Tyler Basen, treats both kids and adults with food and environmental allergies, asthma, skin allergy and eczema, sinus disease and eosinophilic esophagitis.

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