
The Ultimate Guide to Traveling With Allergies

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 The Ultimate Guide to Traveling With Allergies

Traveling can be an exciting and enriching experience for people. But for those with allergies, it can also present unique challenges. From encountering unfamiliar allergens to being away from the comforts of home, managing allergy symptoms while traveling requires careful planning and preparation. 

In this comprehensive guide, Orange County allergist, Dr. Tyler Basen provides you with invaluable tips and strategies to help you enjoy your trip to the fullest, while minimizing the impact of allergies. So, whether you’re embarking on a tropical getaway or exploring a bustling city, come discover how to stay allergy-free on your travels.

Research Your Destination

Before embarking on any journey, it’s crucial to research your destination thoroughly. Start by identifying potential allergens that may be prevalent in the area. Check the local climate, plant life, and common triggers for allergies. Websites like Allergy Pacific, an Orange County allergist resource, can provide valuable insights into specific allergens and their prevalence in different regions. Make a list of potential triggers you may encounter during your trip, and then move on to the next step.

Pack Smart

Packing strategically can make a world of difference when it comes to managing allergy symptoms while traveling. Start by including any necessary medications in your travel kit, ensuring you have enough to last the entire trip. Consider bringing an extra supply in case of unexpected delays or loss. Don’t forget to pack any prescribed allergy medications, such as antihistamines or inhalers.

In addition to medications, include other essentials such as nasal sprays, eye drops and tissues. If you’re allergic to dust mites, consider packing a hypoallergenic pillowcase or pillow cover. For food allergies, carry safe and easily accessible snacks to avoid potential allergic reactions. It’s also a good idea to pack an allergy card or medical alert bracelet, especially if you have severe allergies, to communicate your condition in case of emergencies.

Choose Accommodations Wisely

When selecting accommodations, take into account your allergies and specific needs. Opt for hotels or rental properties that have a reputation for cleanliness and allergen control. Look for establishments with non-smoking policies and rooms that are free of pet dander. Some hotels even offer allergy-friendly rooms with hypoallergenic bedding and air purifiers. Consider reaching out to the hotel directly to inquire about their allergy policies and request a room that meets your requirements.

Plan Your Meals

Dining out can be a delight, but it can also be a source of anxiety for individuals with food allergies. To manage your allergy symptoms while traveling, research local restaurants in advance. Look for establishments that accommodate special dietary needs and have allergen information readily available. Avoid buffet-style dining, as cross-contamination is more likely to occur. Instead, opt for freshly prepared meals where you can communicate your food allergies to the staff. If you have severe allergies, it may be wise to carry a chef card explaining your dietary restrictions in the local language.

Be Prepared for Allergy Emergencies

Despite all the precautions, allergy emergencies can still occur. It’s essential to be prepared and know how to react in such situations. Familiarize yourself with the local emergency services and have their contact information readily available. If you have a severe allergy, consider wearing a medical alert bracelet or necklace indicating your condition. Carry your prescribed medications with you at all times, and inform your travel companions about your allergies and how they can assist you in case of an emergency.It could even be a good idea to have a translator just in case.

Minimize Exposure to Allergens

While it may be impossible to completely avoid allergens while traveling, there are steps you can take to minimize your exposure. Keep windows closed in your accommodations to prevent outdoor allergens from entering. If you’re sensitive to dust mites, request hypoallergenic bedding and avoid plush furnishings. Use a travel-sized air purifier or bring your own hypoallergenic pillowcase to reduce exposure to indoor allergens.

Stay Hydrated and Practice Self-Care

Maintaining good overall health is vital when managing allergy symptoms. Stay hydrated by drinking plenty of water throughout your journey. This helps keep nasal passages moist and can alleviate symptoms like congestion. Remember to get adequate rest to support your immune system and reduce the likelihood of allergic reactions. Incorporate stress-reducing activities, such as meditation or gentle exercise, into your travel routine. Taking care of your overall well-being can make a significant difference in managing your allergies while traveling.

Seek Local Allergy Resources

If your allergy symptoms become unmanageable during your trip, don’t hesitate to seek local resources for assistance. Use online directories to find local allergists, specialists, or clinics in your travel destination. They can provide expert advice, recommend local pharmacies, and suggest appropriate treatments for your specific allergies. Being proactive and seeking professional help can help alleviate your symptoms and allow you to continue enjoying your travels.

Reflect on Your Travel Experience

After your journey, take a moment to reflect on your travel experience and assess how well you managed your allergy symptoms. Identify any challenges you faced and consider how you can better prepare for future trips. Take note of what worked well and what you may need to adjust in your allergy management strategy. Each travel experience provides an opportunity for growth and learning, ensuring you become more equipped to handle allergies while exploring new destinations.


Managing allergy symptoms while traveling requires careful planning, research and preparation. By following the tips provided in this comprehensive guide, you can minimize the impact of allergies and enjoy your trip with confidence. Remember to research your destination, pack smart, choose accommodations wisely, plan your meals and be prepared for allergy emergencies. Minimize exposure to allergens, stay hydrated, and seek local allergy resources if needed. With these strategies in place, you can embark on your next adventure with peace of mind, knowing that you have the tools to manage your allergies effectively.

If you have more questions regarding traveling and allergies, please do not hesitate to contact us. Pacific Allergy & Asthma would be more than happy to assist and answer any questions.

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Dr. Tyler Basen, treats both kids and adults with food and environmental allergies, asthma, skin allergy and eczema, sinus disease and eosinophilic esophagitis.

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